So miserable and hot, that even my 4 year old is totally over playing outside and bored with swimming. So yesterday after begging NOT to go outside. We had to do something.
So off to the grocers for mint chocolate chip ice cream and waffle cones.
Some DVR'd "Wall E" and I've got two very happy campers.
I love her bob, Court. So, so cute. Fun day inside!
Mint favorite! That's the ONLY thing I ate while pregnant with Hagen...until I got caught (diabetes) and was put on a diet.
What a fun day!
Love those ice cream pictures! Just as sweet as those babies!
Great pics and I agree the bob is too cute! Now I am craving an ice cream cone ... it is supposed to be 109 here tomorrow -UGH! Where is fall??
Waffle cones, yummy!!!!
I LOVE Charlie Bit Me! A classic. Cracks me up every time. Never fails. Cute pics!
cute pix! Especially the ones of Tess with ice cream all over her. Chocolate Mint is my favorite favorite flavor!
I hear there is a cool front coming is only supposed to be 91 this weekend!
Ice cream can fix anything. Up here in DFW there are no triple digits in the 7 day forcast-wohooo!!! Maybe the end is in site?
ooooh! too hot for me. nola has been cooler for a change. 4th of july week about killed me, i barely left my house.
ice cream!!!! yayy!
Now you've done it. I'm going to have to have an ice cream come before the day is over!
I know, it's stifling hot here too. I am so done with it. Can't wait for Fall.
Charlie Bit Me is the best video! My kids all crack up at it every time we play it. (Yup, so do I.) Every time.
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