Our Stockshow and Rodeo is one of the oldest and most famous. It isn't flashy like Houston's, it is more like what they were back in the old days. But bigger. And with corn dogs. And beer.
If you are a student of the FWISD you actually get tickets to the stock show each year and a day off of school. Pretty cool, huh?
Anyway, my brother's girlfriend found these old pictures of my brother and I and an old friend Ryan, at the Fort Worth Rodeo. From the looks of it, I would say these pictures are circa 1983.
(On a side note, my brother and Ryan are roommates now! Cool huh?)
Let's discuss. Ryan and I above are actually sitting on a saddle in my parents garage. I have no idea why we had a saddle in our garage, we lived in the city with no horses near us.
But look at poor Ryan's sweater. Now, I love it and would have that exact sweater on Bram. But did his mother, Karen, seriously think that sweater went with the "cowboy" look we were clearly going for? Also, take note to my red sweater and ruffled collar?
Really mom?
I don't think Annie Oakley sported ruffled oxfords with her monogram on the collar.
BUT check out my kick ass boots!!! Holy smokes! Those aren't the cheesy kiddie boots you see everywhere today. Those are some mother effing cowgirl boots!! AND I am so ahead of the trend, my jeans are TUCKED IN MY BOOTS!! Awesome.

I know this because my mom would never let us eat candy apples OR cotton candy at dirty places. She was convinced germs stuck to those particular treats. This was a phobia that her mother passed down to her.
My dad obviously did not know this rule.
In the above picture, Ryan can't decide if he wants to be like me, boots tucked in. Or like my brother, Bryan, jeans out. So he just went halfsies.
I am dying about how cool we all look. Look at my brother's distressed jeans and puffed vest. Like, seriously, I would wear all three of those outfits today. Sans Ryan's dorky hat. Poor guy.

Are those not hilarious. I am so glad to have these and I have actually ordered all three in an 8x10 to hang in Bram's room.
Love it!
So this weekend is the 5th annual "Cousin's Day!" Adam's family all gets together once a year. It is a lot of fun and a great tradition. 15 great grandkids 7 and under, it gets pretty crazy.
Have a wonderful weekend.
That brings back lots of memories of you and your family...that was probably 2 years before Rick and I got married.
So fun! How precious are you in that first picture? I can see you now.....you look the same!
Great post.
Laughing my butt off!
Love the new look!
sooo..very..very cute! Great post indeed!
You use to be so cute! Wow...strange...
Totally kidding, you look EXACTLY the same! Casey, I can see her now in that first one too...
that's precious, thanks for sharing... and thanks for your sweet comment on my post. :)
first pic...totally Coco!
Hi Coco. My name is Christie and I found you through CB McLeod. She and I taught together in RR almost 9 years ago. CB showed me the ropes (to teaching) and I still love her to this day. I have visited your blog everyday for almost a year now and thought it was time to tell you how much I love your blog. You always have me laughing! I have a blog as well, if you feel like stopping by to see who has been visiting you all this time. My blog is now where near a cool as yours! Take care!
I am in love with it all! I really love that sticky red candy apple all over you and Ryan. I just wonder what else stuck to it while walking around the grounds? I love me some FTW Stockshow and Rodeo.
Oh my gosh... I love the pics.
It doesn't matter what's on top, as long as you have the boots....and you did!! Isn't it funny to see pics of our parents younger than us. I was just thinking the other night that I can't recall my parents being my age. They just always seemed OLD!
Ok, I SO love coming here even if I wasn't on my 3rd vodka and tonic. TRULY!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this stuff.
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