Just trying to shake things up a bit, I'm crazy like that!!!
I guess I should clarify why my super boyish boy is riding in a parade ON a pink bike, huh? Well, he was going to ride with Hubby and Tess in the golf cart but once we got to his friend's house and all the other kids were riding big wheels and bikes, guess who changed his mind? And guess whose Mommy was already on her second mimosa and did not feel like going back to the house to get said kid's bike? That would be moi. SO, Bram took one for the team and was perfectly secure in his manliness and rode happily in the parade on Emily's pretty, pretty princess bike.
I think the head band was a nice touch!
OK, that is it with the 4th pics. It was a lot of fun, but since it was a month ago and I was hitting the bottle early that day, I don't remember much.
I kid, I kid. It was a lot of fun.
Or so they tell me.
I do need some opinions. Tess is now sporting a full on mullet. So much so that I can't keep the song, "Achey Breaky Heart" out of my head and have even taught my kids the "Achey Breaky" line dance in honor of the mullet we have going on in our house. Question is, should I have it cut and evened out a bit? I heard that helps thicken it up. Is that a fact or an old wive's tail. I am thinking a bob would be darling on her. Input please.
Ta-ta for now!
Love your enormous thigh.
Yes, cut her hair.....find a cute, kid-friendly salon (like you don't know this) and take the plunge. I don't know whether it thickens it or not, but just having it evened out will be good.
Although, you do live in Texas.....the mullet fits in there, right? I now live in the Midwest and we don't know about such things. We frost our kids' hair.
frost! that was funny!!!!
I have experience with this. Halle Caroline's hair took forever to come in and she also sported the mullet. My friends were telling me to cut it and I was hesitant. I finally did. Now I look back on pictures and think why in the world was there ever a decision - UGLY. So definitely cut it in a cute little bob as much as you can. Although it looks precious in the pics.
So jealous. i always wanted a golf cart. still do.
As a mom of two girls with bob style haircuts - go with the bob - so cute and you can still put bows in!
Frost! I just spit out my tea when I read that....too funny! A bob would be adorable on her!
Hi Courtney - Megan sent me your blog link and I was just reading up on your family. Your kids are absolutely precious and you are hilarious! Love it. I'm cracking up and thinking about what I have to look forward to in the coming years. Hope you're doing well. Just wanted to say hi!
I say cut the hair. I had to get Austin's cut the other day because the back was growing so much faster than the top, and when he put a hat on, it really did look like he had a mullet! Scary.
Well,speaking from a mom who did exactly what you are contemplating. I have never been sad about the cut. I can still do piggies in her hair if I want, and it did thicken her hair. Do it. I think the bob is so stinking cute. That frost comment is too much! I can't wait to see the cute new cut.
Gosh, you're hysterical and self deprecating, in a cute way. Your thigh is so not huge! But your kids are surely adorable. I love how boyish & secure Bram is. If I was 6 I would have a mad crush on him.
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