I already use a lot of the products suggested, so it was good to hear y'all are happy with them. Though it seems I have been really screwing up the care and maintenance of my granite and stainless steel.
I will be trying some new wines. A few new lip glosses (which I am SO excited about!) and lots of stainless steal cleaners!! I just returned from the grocery store and I am loaded up with products. And microfiber clothes. I think the lady at the checkout thought I was NUTS! I will do a final review in a few weeks.
Thanks again!
A tip for those of you remodeling or building....do NOT and I repeat DO NOT ever put in dark granite. Oh yes, it is lovely but it always looks dirty, streaky or dusty. This is no bueno for my OCD. Trust me on this one. I will be doing white marble next time. Or white railroad tiles. Hell, I would even prefer white formica at this point.
Also, a few of you asked about the poster. I just bought a 24x36 canvas. I slathered the thing with Mod Podge and carefully laid the poster on top. Let it dry a bit, then sealed the poster with Mod Podge. The edges looked bare, so I ripped up some damask design scrap book paper and just Mod Podged them on. It seriously looks amazing. I might need to go into business. THAT is how fabulous it looks and how fabulous I feel about it.
OK, lets get on to more photos and more recap from NYE 2010.
If you party with the Coconater and family you will have the following experiences.......
A very soft, snuggly, warm place to sleep. Noise machine and mist humidifier also included. A warm sippy cup of milk is yours for the taking. And yes, Coco will let you have your paci. No age restrictions up in here.
If you do not desire your own soft wah-wah patch. You can share one with friends! Portable flat screen, dvd player and dvd's are at your finger tips. Snacks are also provided in bed.
If you persistently request, you will get, a nice head massage. During this massage, what you think is "aromatherapy oils" is actually Bed Head "Stiff Stuff" hairspray and your lovely masseuse will give you a Mohawk. You will be laughed at behind your back for a bit. But it is one heck of a head rub. You ask and Coco provides!
Even better is that you will be provided with sissy drinks. Such as "The Ruby Red Slipper" and your picture will be taken with said sissy drink. Then displayed on the world wide web for all to see. Don't try to hide your feminine side. Embrace it.
You party with us, and you get to eat Dreamsicles to your hearts content with this little honeysuckle!!
If you are an "earthy" type guest and want to become one with nature, get your hands dirty and play in the mud. You've got it!!!!
Last but not least, your safety is always our first priority!
That's how Coco and fam rolls!!
Ta-ta for now!
loves it!
Is that your dad?
Too funny~
I need to do my poster soon.
SWF in da house!
Ha ha ha. I love how crazy your blog is, but I must insist that you never mention white formica again. That's what the builder of my house apparently thought would be stylish in 1998. Want to hear about OCD? Try cleaning a white formica countertop with bleach spray. Every time you swipe, it becomes GLEAMING white, only leading you to crawl around your kitchen with a Q-tip and magnifying glass for 7 hours trying to match up the whiteness.
Thanks for blog-commenting me. In response to your question, an e-gift is the best ever. You pay for it online and then instead of mailing a gift certificate, the company emails it instantly to the recipient. Thus, 15 minutes before a baby shower I can jump onto BabiesRUs.com and purchase a gift card to be emailed to the recipient. Then, when I show up to drink mimosas empty-handed, I can say, "What? I emailed my gift!"
I thought you might find it humorous that the word verification I was required to enter for my last comment here was "pronstr." Which sounds a little too much like "porn star."
Gee...I miss reading for a day and WOW. Love the poster...excellent idea with the canvas and the modge podge. Regarding the zoloft...I did the zoloft thing and switched about a year ago to Lexipro. Good golly...that stuff should be in the water supply. Might be an option. I don't freak out NEARLY as often about streaky looking stainless steel appliances. I'm so glad we can talk about these things on our blogs. I have a friend who needs to be on something...SERIOUSLY...she does, but apparently she thinks that she is BETTER than everybody else and would rather just be CRAZY live better through chemistry. Oops...sorry that I took off on that little tangent.
Love it and I am with you on OCD and dark granite - mine always always always looks dusty!
Thanks for the poster instructions
I swear we'd be best friends if we lived a few states closer...
Your dad looks great! I can't wait to try out the poster/canvas.
Tess just gets cuter by the day.
You absolutely crack me up!!! I added you to my list of blog I love to read on my site...I hope you don't mind. My friends need to love your blog like I do.
OMG, you really have become one of my fav reads. I can't go more than a few days without you. I just can't. You're crazy. And I love it. Is that your Dadz with the sissy drink and mohawk?
We are putting in granite soon so would you say a beige type is good?
The poster is awesome!
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