the baby fever has left the building.
spending this time alone with just one tiny tot has been a blast. don't get me wrong, i miss my brammy terribly, but i am getting some great quality time with the little lady.
and it is really super duper easy.
so, no baby talk for awhile. no more threats of secretly having my iud removed and getting hubby drunk while dressed in a french maid outfit.
i kind of like not being outnumbered right now.
but will you take a look at the precious newborns that i have.

Love that bow on her head! Yes, I think I will be done after two.
I agree with you...I feel outnumbered with just Sydney. Love your baby pics...I should post some of Sydney. I was going to on her birthday but I didn't. Maybe I'll post that cute one of you holding her!
I was just having the baby fever this morning - even after a crappy morning with kids who whined and didn't listen! Craziness I tell you!
I feel the fever every once in awhile. WTF? I would be a wreck.
Love the pics! It's not helping with the fever!!
Too adorable!!
After yesterday with 3 toddlers in my house, I'm DONE with babies :)
Love it! I have a pic of my son as a fresh out of the womb baby up right now for his birthday!
I still have baby fever though!!
Angry Julie gave me your link because I love the name Tess :)
To say that I'm done is an over statement! Although I do miss the baby days at times, but it's so much fun interacting with them as "big kids"!
You are so funny. Baby fever has left the building. Good, now go have a drink. Cutesy pics.
how can you look at those pics and not want another one? of course i will be cussin' my newborn when i am up all night and all day w/ the toddlers. it's all worth it in the end right? lets hope!!
you should just name the cat Pat! then your covered either way.
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