I have been studying and love every thing that I am learning. Love it! I was born to do this! And yes teachers reading this, I WANT TO TEACH KINDERGARTEN!
But the one thing that I have been struggling with is this.
What "look" do I want to have as a teacher? It has been plaguing my thoughts. Keeping me up at night, and running through my dreams when I actually do sleep.
Being out of the work force for 4 years, I have no "work" clothes. And not to brag or anything, but when I was working I was a size 8 and now I am a 4 or a 6. Hold on, let me pat myself on the back....
OK, I'm back.
SO, this clothing issue was a big one. I wanted cute, comfortable, and I want to have a signature teaching look. Thanks to J. Crew, problemo solved.
I am going to go with the preppy teacher look. Dresses, cardigans and ballet flats. How cute am I going to be?

That will be a good look for you! Casual and cute!
Super cute! I heart J. Crew. You also may be able to mix in some Ann Taylor Loft pieces. Adoreable & they offer a teacher discount!:)
I like J. Crew, but not their prices so much. I think Ann Taylor Loft is the place to go. I'm pretty sure they have some kind of discount program for teachers too.
I don't think you can mess them up too much in kindergarten...now first grade is another story. I never taught first grade because I figured that all through the rest those kids' lives people would say, "Oh yeah...I know what's wrong with him...he had Mrs. FREEMAN for first grade." Seriously, I worried.
I like it... very cute!
I love J Crew too! You're going to be the cutest teacher ever!
LOL. You so funny. Those boys are gonna be HOT for Teacher. Oh they're only in kindergarten. Never mind. But you'll look hot in a preppy kinda way. Go you on the 4-6.
OH MY!! You will be the cutest kindi teacher ever!! I am sending the Diva to you when she turns 5! K? Thanks!
Love the look! Good luck on the EC-4! You'll do great. Kinder is super fun! I love that age.
cute look! i taught third grade and loved it! bless you for wanting to teach kinder! i could never . . .
you WILL be cute! and great! :)
I think that should be your motto.....clothes before kids.....definitely.
YAY for you! You will be one HOTTT kinder teacher.
Wish I still lived there and I could give you ALL of my accumulated shiz! Files and all.
You will be good, and be lookin good to boot!
Gap was one of my besties at comfy teachy clothes.
Love the look, my friend. And how did I miss the news flash that you are going back to work to teach??? Man, my head is in the clouds lately. (Plus my cable/internet have been out a lot the past couple of weeks... LIke I have no internet for days at a time. They better have that shit fixed this time. Yeah, you hear me Cable Provider?!?!? It's SPRING BREAK, with no t.v. for the kids and no computer for Mommy. Are you CRAZY??? You pick THIS week to work on the cable lines??? Okay, I feel better. Thanks. And that's what I'm blaming my dumbassness on, anyway.)
You will be precious!
Perfect look. It doesn't really matter what you do as long as you look good doing it. Ha
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