Do not, under any circumstance, leave your 19 month old child alone with a tub of Aquaphor.
If you already know this important message, which I am sure you do, make sure to notify your husband.
Also, once Aquaphor gets into hair, it does not come out.
And your daughter will arrive looking like a creepy greaseball to all weekend social events.
You're welcome.
Wow!!! I'm so sorry. That does not look fun at all.
YIKES... I'll tell the hubby!
This is particularly funny to me because I was so tired last week that I grabbed the aquafore tub instead of the hair get tub and put aquafore in GTO's hair before school. SSHHH...I didn't tell him. LOL!
Sure looks like Tess used the entire tub though. :)
Oops...I meant to say hair gel.
Oh thanks for the warning! LOL We have been there b4 with other products in the house!!! I think the last incident was PB that our 3 year old painted his face with!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I made that bedding for lil girl out of my absolute fave material. :) You are lucky that you have a husband who will let anything floral in the master bedroom! LOL
I am sorry Coco, but I just can't stop laughing!
WOW! Maybe she was just wanting a little more shine. That is definitely one way to do it.
Wow. The funny thing is that I had almost the same thing happen to me on Friday. I heard Sam say, "hat" followed by hysterical laughter. I walked in to find his plate on his head and about 2-4 Tablespoons of Ranch dressing running off the crown of his head. He too was incredible greasy.
Lily's hair still hasn't quite recovered from the great Vaseline incident 3 months ago. I need to start locking up cosmetics!
A footnote: Lansinoh nipple cream is also a bitch to remove from any hairy surface or textile. Just ask Clara.
bless your heart! she's so pitiful with that goop in her hair! (i am stifling a laugh here... but i also feel so sorry for you!)
What in the heck is Aquaphor and OMG! Get it out!! Get it out!!
uhhh?? Am I the only one who doesnt know what Aquaphor is?
LOL!!!!!!! OH my gosh! I can't believe that happened!!!!! We have a tube of that stuff. I read in a magazine that it's great for around the eyes at night time. I may try that.
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