Hi, I was just wanting to tell you "GOOD LUCK" on the opening of New Moon.
Unfortunately, I have a party to attend in Austin on Friday evening. SO, I will be missing the opening night. But I will drink lots and lots o' wine to put me out of my misery and to prevent me from striking up a "Twilight/Edward vs. Jacob/RPatz" conversation with a bunch of people that don't really care. Some of these folks think I am already off my rocker a bit.
I know? Right?
This will also embarrass Hubby, who also thinks I am a bit off my rocker, and thinks our love affair is all in my head.
So, while you are at some premiere party or what not, please be thinking of me......stumbling around in my "Team Edward" tshirt at a cocktail party. Mascara streaking down my face as I weep in a corner, trying to gather myself and make small talk about kids, politics, travel and stuff.
There is one thing I can tell you right now. I am sitting here, ignoring my children and watching an MTV special on New Moon.
With a silly grin on my face.
Feeling funny.
I need a cigarette.
Did I mention I am 34 years old (but look way younger)? A married mother of two.
I don't like what I have become but I don't think it is going to get any better until I see Breaking Dawn.
When Breaking Dawn comes out I will be 36.
Anyhoo, I love you. I love you more than anyone else loves you.
Good luck, and I will be checking in on Saturday to see how all the parties went.
Okay, gotta run. Bram has his karate belt test today. Ugh, being a mom sometimes takes precedence over watching another MTV special on you and Kristen's love affair.
Which we know is totally fake.
"who's your mommy?"
Yea, that's right, Robby.
much love,
coco pattinson
"I don't like what I have become" Awesome...you crack me up girl! Ha!
Don't hate, but you know I have not seen any of the movies or read any of the books?! I don't even know where to start!
ahh another wonderful post involving my favorite vampire! I have adored him since Harry Potter... have I mentioned that Baby Hughes was born while that movie was playing in the background? And, Baby Hughes is strangely interested in my Vanity Fair... hmmm....and he doesn't look a whole lot like his "daddy." I am going to see New Moon at midnight. I'll be in my T-shirt hoping that you see it soon!
Smiles ~Michelle
feeling kinda funny.. i need a cigarette..haha!
so funny Coco! have fun in Austin!
I don't dig him at all but I have to say that is the only picture I have ever liked of him.
Tomorrow night my BF and I will be having cocktails at a Mexican restaurant before making our way to the showing. I'll salivate for you. It'll just be fake on my part!
You just started my day off with a bit more laughter than I was prepared for... but thank you :)
I had a physical reaction - fear and anxiety - over the title alone.
Glad we got through that......not too painful......although you're still totally insane.
I was expecting some sort of comment about how Johnny Depp was crowned People's Sexiest Man Alive instead of Robert...HUH????
It was so good to see you the other day! We need to do that again soon. How did the shopping go?
Freakshow...I LOVE IT!!
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