I also adore cold weather WHEN it is supposed to be cold weather. This isn't always the case in Texas. And for some reason, at age 34 (and fabulous) I still get really upset when it isn't cold or at least cooler in October. Much less the end of November. Hello, 74 degrees on November 28!
Lucky for me, the weather turned much colder on Sunday, when it was time to decorate the tree. I made a pot of turkey and dumplings, with left over turkey, and we all went to town on the tree. (I let the kids hang the jingle bells. And then rearranged all their craziness after they were asleep. Bad mommy. Bad, bad mommy.)
Our tree sits between our kitchen and den. The two main rooms in our home. SO, I have been buying lots of fun food ornaments for the past 4 years. Slowly building quite a collection of cute foods and the like.
And that is all that matters.
So that is a teeny insight to the Coco home at Christmas.
I am totally missing a box with my antique baby spoons that I hang on the tree AND some ornaments that hang on a small wire tree for my dining table. Can't find them for the life of me.
Hubby doesn't seem to be bothered by this loss, he just keeps telling me, "we have enough stuff out. That is enough, get out of the attic!" Doesn't he understand that these things are just important because they are special to me. I don't tell him, "Why did you buy more camo? One camo outfit or a pair of waders, looks just like the other. You don't need anymore."
Of course I don't. I am WAY to sweet and loving to say anything like that. And pretty.
Oh well, it will be found......next Christmas. OR if we every move.
Changing the subject, my little smarty pants, Tessie Mayes, looked at me today and said, "stupid head." Awesome.
When I asked her, "What did you just say to me?"
She looked right at me and said, with a smile, "I love you."
Wow, hers is learning very, very fast. Isn't two years old a little young to have an attitude AND a little to young to lie? Or bluff? Or whatever you want to call it. I have absolutely no idea where she gets it?
Hmm. Must be from her dad.
Love your tree! Beautiful and special! That's what it's all about! LOVE all the ribbons!
love the tree! It's so you! I love the Shoney Big Boy ornament! As for Santa with a bottle of wine. I so need to find one ;)
Adorable tree! And I love that you re-arranged the whole tree after the kiddos went to bed. Hilarious!
Hagen helped me decorate the tree last night and I too rearranged it after he was asleep! My tree has no design...I also put up things that I love and don't worry about it being "pretty"...it is pretty to me! Even the star that has a picture of me when I am around 8 I think with a bowl haircut that is hideous!!
LOVE your decorations!
Haha! Stupidhead.
LOVE the tree. I miss colored lights on the Christmas tree! We had them growing up, but ours just has white. I'm going to have to fix this. Love the inspiration!
Love your tree - it has such cute style and character! Tessie Mayes and Bia must be secretly calling each other!
LOL, stupid head! Freaking shit heads... :)
I don't even bother to wait till the kids are asleep, or away from the tree; I simply rearrange as I see needed, in front of them (or behind their backs anyway)!
Love your decorations!
I get downright belligerent if it's not cold outside during Thanksgiving and Christmas. If we move to Florida like I think we may, I am going to book a cabin in the mountains for Christmas each year.
Not. Even. Kidding.
That magazine is adorable :)
I love stuff like that.
Wow, that tree is amazing! And I just love the stockings, too. Your home looks so warm and inviting!
Thank you so much for entering my giveaway, best of luck!
Your tree is incredible!!! I love finding things that I forgot that I bought (a tree topper this year!) It is almost as good as finding money. I am sorry that your little one is defiant (mine is too and he is 15 months)... always blame the daddy!!
Smiles~ Michelle
WOW, I didn't even want to post my Christmas tree after seeing all your awesome decorations.
Funny story - I was sitting in a store last night waiting in a long line and saw the cutest tree topper made from very large candy canes and candy ornaments. I stared at it forever and thought that is so cute, but would never look right on my tree. I wish I would have taken a picture, it would have looked awesome on your tree. Seriously, it was FAB!
Love all of your ornaments! And the ribbon idea is so cute!
I love the tree! You have put a lot of thought into it. I am lucky in that A was more interested in taking the ornaments out of the box than putting them on the tree. Bingo! I was able to decorate away!
I also love the tree collection on your mantle.
We'll work on sending Bram some snow for Christmas :). Like I said... we'll try (more like wish on a star)!
Ohhhhhhhh, you're in for it with that one. Ah ha ha. The dude has quite the 'tude already at 17 mos. I'm frightened!!! Your tree is beautiful. : )
Love your style....FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you ever visit bronners.com? I just sent my friend Kacey at Chronicles of a Mommy a couple of food ornaments from there. They have everything!!!!
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