The dentist went splendidly yesterday. My kids were AWESOME! Both acted super interested and eager as to what was going on. No crying, no wiggling, no punching, stabbing or kicking.
I could NOT of been prouder.

I almost started to cry. How embarrassing. My kids eat healthy, I limit candy and sweets. They don't even get juice boxes in their lunches at mother's day out. Just sippy cups with ice water. I kind of felt like a trashy mom that gives her kids coke in a bottle or lets them eat cans of icing for dinner.
Oh my word. I am going in for a second opinion. This is not right. I am feeling a little alone, isolated and insecure right now.
OK, off to pack and then hitting the road. My kids will be traveling the entire route with toothbrushes in hand. And only getting ice for nourishment.
Maybe a little sugar free gum.
ta-ta for now!
Get a second will put your mind at ease, regardless of the outcome.
You're a great mom......stop thinking otherwise!
I would get a second opinion because that seems like more than usual. Sydney didn't get a crown until she was 6 and she drinks lots of juice. She did have to have a few back cavities filled and sealed as well. Our pediatric dentist told me those back teeth are the toughtest to keep clean and some kids have deep crevices and some kids will just have more problems than others. Don't feel bad...I've been to your house and I know you take excellent care of your babies!
okay, yes, get a second opinion. But let me tell you a little story about Ellison....horrible teeth, HORRIBLE. She has a cavity not exaggerating at all. She has had to have one tooth pulled because of decay and she has 1 crown. Does that make you feel better??? My dentist says that some kids just have really bad bacteria in their mouth that causes it. My other kids, it's like pulling teeth (no pun intended) to get them to brush. Ellison, on the other hand, religiously, has always brushed her teeth twice a day. Brooks and Halle Caroline, never a cavity. Ellison has a filling in like every tooth! Genetics. good luck!
Good luck with the second opinion! You are the coolest most fun mom around plus you are pretty - totally not your fault!
get a 2nd opinion for sure. I do know though that bad teeth is a genetic thing. Do you or hubs have problem teeth? It runs in my family so BELIEVE me.. I know.
And bad mom? uhhh...that is a big fat NO!
It just happens that way sometimes! Get a 2nd opinion but you are not a bad mom at all!
That sounds like a lot for someone that young, but I am no dentist. I'd think you're a good mom even if all his teeth fell out!
You definitely aren't a bad mom....maybe the dentist's revenues are down and they are trying to get some money in before the end of the year! Also, referencing your workout comment that you haven't lost weight in two weeks....GET OFF THE SCALE! Measure yourself with a tape measure or buy some skin calipers to measure BMI....that is the best way to tell if you are headed in the right direction! I have been really hitting the gym and watching my food for over a month now....only down 5 pounds, but down 2 inches, 2% body fat, and one jeans size.....You always look great anyway :)
i second on the second opinion...
and aren't these baby teeth??
i think anyone can see that you're a great mom, you shouldn't be insecure at all!!
Teeth, smeeth! Who needs 'em?!?! You're a great mom!
I agree with the second opinion. My dentist said the same thing about some kids just having bad luck in the "teeth department" no matter how much they brush. You're a fantastic mother!!!
Just like everyone else has said... get a 2nd opinion. I am sure you know that crowns are pretty expensive... maybe someone needs Christmas money... just sayin! I work in an orthodontic office and we see kids from a certain dentist that have lots of crowns. He is "crown" happy... and has an enormous house... even for a dentist!
oops on the crowns, but you know what, I have a mouth full of dental work and ALWAYS brushed my teeth like I was supposed to. Hank, on the other hand, ONE filling in fifty years. Drives me nuts. We used to not even tell Lorelai that she had an appointment because she would freak out so. I'd pick her up from school and drive right up the the dentist's office. She's be so shocked that they had her in and out before she could throw a fit.
Dentists are always right. Just because your name is Coco does not mean you are entitled to feed your kids sugary crap.
I am soo scared now! I haven't taken the Missy yet. I am afraid. I also have a strict no juice, no soda, limited candy rule around here. I have terrible teeth & so does my mom. Oh my, that is a lot of crowns! And what is the point really, they will loose those puppies. Very disturbing. You are a great mom so stop that nonsense. Yikes!
I thought that's what baby teeth were for... cavities. They're disposable for heaven's sake!
My kids are seeing the po' folks dentist at the elementary school in the next few weeks. I'm sure I'll have my own horror stories to tell then....
Come to Fort Worth, actually, Lake Worth, for your second opinion...we take good care of teeth, YET, if your child sleeps with his/her mouth open, well, then you end up with things like fillings and caps to deal with the results...We have an excellent dentist, and he is so knowledgeable...sometimes it is heredity, sometimes it is just how the child sleeps - who knew that sucking air increases cavities? And the only solution is capping those baby teeth and wait to see if the permanent ones will have the same issue! We know Mama Sue, if you want more info from us and the Lake Worth Pediatric Dentist Office! And she doesn't have cavities EVERYTIME - but where her caps are...her dentist said that every child he sees with her problem sleeps with their mouths open and needs fillings/caps exactly in the same spot as our little girl's!...just a little FYI! Till then I didn't know, but I have gone and checked her at night now AND...THE DENTIST WAS RIGHT! She DOES sleep with her mouth slightly open!
Second opinion for sure. I know how you feel...not quite as drastic but Avery had a cavity at her first trip to the dentist in April. I about cried...let us know what happens.
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