Big boobs that is. Yep, I'm a boob girl. And since the market has put my getting a nice big pair on hold for a bit, I am now getting kind of creepy about admiring other people's boobies.
I'm just telling the truth people. Don't worry, I don't stare at the ta-tas of other real life people, just famous people. Picking out the pair I will be requesting as soon as the market goes over 10,000.
The above set is my choice as of now. I love them. I think they are perfect.
So, I am going to stop eating and exercise several hours a day to get her body, and then one day very soon....her boobs!!!!
Are y'all freaked out now?
You pushed me over the edge a long time ago, Court. Still recovering from the Gary Coleman remark several months ago.
And, also wondering if this is your screen saver.
LOL! You don't freak me out, you crack me up! I'm right there with, however I don't admire them like you do, but I too have a decision to make. After nursing for 6 months I look like I did in the 8th grade, only aged and saggy... where the hell did my boobs go? It's not pretty people! I had told my hubby for my 30th I wanted boobs, but I'm thinking I'll wait on that, go to Vegas and keep thinking about it... I HATE surgery!
Oh and we may not be done in the baby making department... :)
There's no shame in the game, Coco...I am an admirer as well....Just ask my hubby! And...after a little help from Dr. Stagnone...I am not afraid to say, "I love my boobs!" Let's hear it for tatas!
Those are too big!!!
You are sooo funny!
I hate boobs, I hate my boobs... and when the market gets better, I am cutting mine off!!!!! Gravity has taken its toll on mine.
You are too funny! I totally get that! Audrina's are big but kinda saggy. You need them perkier!
Shut you mouth Fitz, those are perfect.
And Michelle, I don't mind a touch of sagginess, makes them seem real.
I'm not freaked out at all. I'm a boob admirer too. I don't want to go bigger, just firmer. But with the stocks dropping as fast as my boobs, the outlook is gloomy. *sigh
Be careful wishing for Audrina's tata's, cuz you might get stuck with her third bag.
You know...Justin Bobby.
I worry that I'm terribly pathetic to love The Hills as much as I do. You understand.
Maybe we can get a two for one deal. I'll come there. We can heal up and drink while we pop pills and admire each others new ti-tays. Sound good?
i am freaked out a little.
heheh! kiddin'.
audrina's are too small... i personally want something tasteful like pamela anderson's. kiddin' again.
Oh Shannie! That is a perfect idea for sure! Let's plan it soon.
Hmmmmm margaritas and vicodin. Nice. WITH big ta-tas to boot.
As long as they're not too big. The ones in the pic don't look it but it's hard to tell. I think fake boobs are fine when they don't look overdone like balloons waiting to burst and they're not shouting out at everyone "fake boobs, fake boobs."
Not freaked out here. I'm the same way. I CANNOT wait to get mine. I don't know when but in the meantime, I'm totally checkin out other's racks. A girl's gotta know right?
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