My degree is in Child Development, and I worked for Dallas County for a few years before moving to Austin and working in the brokerage industry. My job with CCMS was awesome. I loved loved loved it! Unfortunately, if I would of had one kid, I would of qualified for the services I provided. In other words, I made no money.
Well, with the economy the way it is now, it looks I will be returning to the work place a little sooner than planned. At first, I was a little bummed. Now, I am really getting excited about it.
I am going to get my "emergency certification" to start teaching in the fall. Then after a year of teaching, I will start on my Masters. I need to be in the classroom for two years before I can be considered for a counseling position.
We are very fortunate that my salary will go straight to savings and isn't needed to pay bills and such. So, this will just go to our nest egg and will give us the cush we had before the stock market went to hell in a hand basket.
We are also fortunate that the Baptist church has a WONDERFUL full-time Christian school program. A lot of my friends children attend the Baptist school and love it.
I also like the fact a lot of my blogging mommies are working mommas as well and seem to handle it really well. And in fact wouldn't have it any other way.
I have no idea what grade I want to teach, I think Kindergarten. You teachers out there need to give me some tips, some ideas of what age I would prefer, what to expect, etc.
So, this is the new route the Coco train is now on. Hold on tight, we are heading for another crazy adventure!!!!
Good luck! Before I got into the classroom, I always thought I would want to teach the little ones. After 11 years teaching
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th I have realized that there isn't enough money in the world to get me into a kinder classroom. Not that it wouldn't be rewarding, but the older kids are just so COOL to work with....they have the neatest ideas and are really eager to learn new things. Plus, the older kids can blow their own noses, we don't have nearly the number of bathroom accidents that kinder does, and most of the helicoptor moms are gone! :)
I home school so I am kind of a teacher. I think you would be great with the young ones because you have always been great with mine. You might have a problem with the ones who are old enough to talk back or have an attitude. No matter what you decide they will be very lucky to have you for a teacher!
I can totally see you teaching somewhere along the ages that I have...5th-7th being my favorites...because of your sense of humor and sarcasm. I teach 5th grade and absolutely love it because the kids are still young enough that they love their teacher, love school and I can do some of the most fun activities with them. Also, they "get" sarcasm, and that's just part of who I am!
Sounds like a great and exciting plan. You will do GREAT at being a working mom!
I'm just a little worried that this new job of yours might get in the way of my daily entertainment of your blog! Just kidding! You would be great! I also see you with older kids. I have a 6th grader and 4th grader and it is so fun when you can joke around with them and they joke around with you.
I think that, regardless of which age you choose to teach, you will be fantastic. Being a working mom has many rewards. I enjoyed it very much!
Also, I think that the picture included in this post should certainly determine your uniform. You will have a huge showing for Meet The Teacher night if word gets out.
Alright! That's great. I sort of wish sometimes that I had gone to school to be a teacher instead of going to law school... who knows, I may change my mind...
but I definitely want to work someday again... I miss work!
Coco! That's awesome for you! YOu have the patience of Job so I'm sure you'll be a great teacher.
Good luck and I can't wait to hear about all those adventures. :)
Good for you...I taught every grade level before I transitioned into administration. I enjoyed the older kids more and most of my years were in middle school. It takes a special kind of person with a keen sense of humor and just a touch of crazy to teach middle school. Heck...middle school might be your calling. LOL
I am famous (okay, that's a stretch but stay with me) for saying there's a special place in heaven for kindergarten teachers. The state of Texas says I'm allowed to be the principal of a school grades K-12 but not allowed to teach kindergarten. You would adore 3rd graders. They still like/love you but are old enough to tie shoes, wipe noses, etc. Kindergarten is by far the most challenging grade in my opinion. And kindergartners are STRONG not matter how tiny they seem. And some of them know (and use) the f-word. But most of them can't spell it. But you would be great with any age. Have you thought about subbing to see what you like best? You get to go home at the end of the day and never go back if you don't like it.
Wow! A new adventure! Awesome! You are going to be a great teacher! I'm thinking about getting my certificate too. Let me know how it goes! How exciting!
Good luck... have fun! I always wanted to teach!
I tagged you!
This sounds exciting... I dont have an advice on the teaching thing... honestly, I dont do well with other peoples kids... its takes someone (like you) that is much more special and patient!
Cannot wait to read more!
Good Luck!!1 I soo don't have it in me. Maybe that's why I work in law enforcement so I can curse and yell at people.
Go you!!!!! Good luck with it all momma!!!!!
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