Pneumonia just sounds so terrible.
As you can see, he is laid up in our bed, like the King of Sheba. A Dora and Diego marathon is on, an ice cold sippy cup filled with orange juice and some donut holes are sitting on the night stand. All is well.
On a side note, my doctor was off yesterday so we went to the minor emergency clinic. Our clinic is wonderful. The head doctor is super cute and was a head trauma doctor in Houston, so he is great and great with kids. Not your run of the mill "quack shack" like most minor emergency clinics.
BUT, I must say, when a mom walks in with a one year old and clearly a pretty sick but still pretty active three and a half year old.........move it along as quickly as possible. Please. The old man with the sprained ankle can wait. The mom with the kids going ape shit in the 5x5 room with no toys and quickly running out of Cheerios and cereal bars needs to get in and get out!
That is just my advice and what I think should be protocol in every doctor's office.
Sweet boy! Hope he feels better quick!
Is your comforter from Poterry Barn?
Oh yea...Bram looks so sickie--poor thing!
look how i typed Pottery. ha!!!
Fitz, my comforter is Ralph Lauren. Love me some Ralph Lauren floral goodness. That is something I think I will never get over.
oh noes! i hope he feels better!! it sounds like you have him all fixed up.
i got the ballerina jammies from a department store, they are carter's, good ol' carter's. :)
Poor baby! Sydney had pneumonia when she was 2 and we had to wait in the Cook's Hospital waiting room from 10pm to 5am. Scary isn't it? She seemed fine except for that pesky 104.5 degree fever that scared the shit out of me! She even broke loose once and headed out the automatic doors.
Poor baby...hope he feels better soon. As for the bag in my post, it's a Valentino :-( You don't even wanna know...
Awwwe! Pneumonia! Poor Brammy!
I am so sorry! :(
It looks like he is fixed up so comfy.
I hope he gets well soon!
Poor little guy! Hope he feels better soon!
It looks EXACTLY like one I have from PB.
They're so pitiful when they're sick....Poor guy!
I hope he feels better soon! Poor man. The Dora and Diego marathon should make everything all better.
I'm with you on the protocal. It should be written in stone.
Poor little thing...hope he feels better soon.
I am so sorry about Bram!!!!!! I hope he is feeling better as I write this today!!!
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