You yell to your son in the backyard, "BRAM! DON'T POINT THAT GUN AT PEOPLE! WE ONLY SHOOT THINGS LIKE DEER, BIRDS, OR TURKEYS!" (I was having trouble thinking of what we do shoot.)
I seriously just said that and I know people heard me. We live on the 14th hole of the golf course, and it is a balmy 89 degrees outside today. The golf course is packed.
That statement just came out of my mouth. What has become of me?
Not sure what your driving, but I got a good deal on the gun rack for the back of my Altima. Your not the only white trash redneck darlin. But welcome to the club, your badge will be in the mail any day now.
I am a stay at home mom living in beautiful Texas Hill Country. Two crazy kids, a crazier husband. Everyday a sitcom. Maybe a boring one at times, but a sitcom nonetheless.
OMG, that's hilarious!
Lots of class. Do you have an HOA?
PS - the girl in the pic has way bigger boobs than you.
hee hee that's funny!
Not sure what your driving, but I got a good deal on the gun rack for the back of my Altima. Your not the only white trash redneck darlin. But welcome to the club, your badge will be in the mail any day now.
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