Saturday, February 28, 2009

Intervention, I need your help.....

I seriously need to get some help for Bram.

It's his paci. And it isn't getting better, it has gotten worse.

At 5 am this morning, he apparently woke up, couldn't find his paci. SO, he went into Tess' room, turned off her noise machine, turned on her light, and snatched her paci.

Then went back to bed.

Guess who didn't go back to bed?

This little incident was the final straw.


Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

That's it. Just throw them ALL away. Live through hell for 3 nights but just get it over with.

starnes family said...

A friend of mine cut the end of the paci off and told her child it was broken. Gave her the broken paci and she had no interest in it. Said it worked! I thought that was pretty good.

Seems like you have to do it for both kids to be successful, though. Bram is a smart one and will go looking for Tessie's otherwise!

greygillfish said...

I think the paci fairy needs to visit your house. Good Luck! This was always a hard one for me too.

Heather said...

I have to agree with everyone else... you are gonna have to do away with all of them. I took all of my kids passys away at 15 months and it was the hardest thing I had to deal with when they were little. Pure hell for a few days.

Paci fairy is a good idea! The older they get, the harder it's gonna be. just sayin

Get yourself a good supply of alcohol and some noise cancelling headphones to endure the pain for a few days!

Coco said...

I really don't think this is going to be fun. It is ridiculous and I have to do it.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...


I think you are going to have to go cold turkey with both of the kids.

It will totally suck, but must be done.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

It is time Coco! We packed our up in a box and sent them to a new baby. I know those who have let me pick out something fabulous and paid for it with all the pacis at Toys R Us and I have seen people do the Paci Fairy. You leave the pacis out, fairy dust and a prize are left behind. I know a dad who threw the pacis out the window while driving. HA, the drama! When we did it, the first day or so was hard but we survived and so will you! I cried more I think.

mamaclay said...

I've also heard about going to Build a Bear and having them make a bear and put the passy inside, then they sleep with the bear instead. Just an idea...

BTW, making your Migas tonight. I'll keep ya posted.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

That Bram is always a man with a plan, isn't he?

Anniebanannie said...

I'm so not the person to ask about the passy, b/c my 2 yr old still uses his and my older one was an-age-too-embarassing-to-admit yrs. old. Right now, I put three or four in Rowdy's bed so when he wakes up he can just hopefully find one.

I think about trying to break the passy habit, but it still TOTALLY serves its purpose when meltdownfest occurs. So, I'll continue until he reaches an age to when his reasoning skillz are better...just like my older one.

Moni said...

I had my pacifier until I was four...not because my mom didn't try to take it away, but I had anticipated her ambush and strategically hid them throughout the house in case of emergency. I turned out fine, successful, and am not a psychopath. No worries...I stopped using it when I was ready, and he will, too!

Coco said...

I remember your mother made me feel so much better that day when Bram was freaking out for a paci.

It made me feel sooo much better!

Lulu the Midwife said...

Good Luck. Catdog loved his paci. We finally just took it away. It will be so hard, but stay strong. You can do it.