Anyhoo, the above picture is not snow. It is hail from yesterday's storm. Our whole neighborhood looked like a winter wonderland.
And I must add, I was scared shitless.
I tend to be a touch dramatic. So, when Hubby had us hunker down in the tiny coat closet, it was all I could do not to scream, "LORD HELP US, DON'T LET US DIE!!!!"
But I am a responsible mother now, and had my kids and dignity to think about. Tess was unusually still and just laid on me, not moving a muscle. I made Bram hold onto my legs as tightly as possible. Why you ask? I just kept thinking of those terrible stories where the wind rips a child from his mother's arms. Told you I was dramatic.
Hubby stood outside the closet to listen to the news and watch the storm come in. As it did, I seriously thought it was the tornado that the news was predicting. It was the loudest sound I have ever heard.
Then it ended as quickly as it began.
And I was VERY relieved. Tess only had on a diaper. And I just knew our house was going to fall down around us and I was going to be the white trash mother holding a ravioli stained toddler wearing nothing but a diaper.
Whew! That was a close call.
WOW, you guys really got all the bad weather. It thundered for over an hour and then barely nothing. Glad you are safe/
Spring time...in like a lion and out like a lamb...the craziest weather season of the year!
I HATE severe weather! We had one heck of a storm at 5am this morning. The lightning, thunder and wind were freakin CrAzY! I kept watching the news and checking on things. I never did go back to sleep, which is unheard of for me. Usually I sleep through EVERYTHING!
Oh my. I remember being huddled in our powder room with 2 dogs and 2 cats (this was b4 kids) and I was TERRIFIED. And Hubby was outside looking for the funnel. I hear ya!
And I'm totally cracking up about the ravioli stained child...
So sorry you were scared. Do love that you made Bram hold onto your legs. What in the hell would you do if you lived in Kansas like we're about to? Wizard of Oz?!
"I just knew our house was going to fall down around us and I was going to be the white trash mother holding a ravioli stained toddler wearing nothing but a diaper"
Bwahaahaa!! Oh the shame and embarassment that would have caused - lmao!
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