It all started last Friday, when Tess wanted to have her dinner standing in the Learning Tower while I prepared dinner for Hubby and I.
I figured it was a Friday and since I am wild and crazy like that, standing and eating at the counter would be fun for the little

Then yesterday morning I told her to go to her high chair for breakfast. As I went to put her in the high chair, she crossed her arms, glared at me and said, "NO!"
So off to
Wal-Mart we went. And made the below purchase.

And she could not be any prouder of her pink booster seat. P.R.O.U.D. In fact, she has crawled up in it even when it isn't meal time.

So I bid a sweet and sad farewell to the beautiful high chair that I so lovingly painted and distressed. You will no longer be needed in the Coco household. You will be heading to Allen, Texas, where you will be loved and cherished by baby Elaine and your Auntie
I love you sweet, high chair. And thank you for the past 4 years of holding my babies as they ate!
Aw! They grow up so fast. Tess is such a big girl!
That's so sad! I cannot even remember having a highchair now...=(
I seriously cry with each of these milestones. Cry. Such a big step!
Awww! Look at that sweet BIG girl!
This is too cute. I love seeing that she was so happy with her booster, big girl seat. It is sad when you get out of the baby stage and don't need the things you once did. It happens so fast. I feel your pain. :)
Have a good week!
This sort of thing makes me very, very sad. The last time I sorted Mini's toys and put some in boxes for storage...I cried. I'm a sissy.
that seriously brought tears to my eyes! booo hooo! they grow so fast. but tess is superstylin in her new seat!
Damn! That's a lot of eggs for a 1 year old!
Good to know you have "clothing optional" dining at your house, too!
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