Since this blog is ultimately my kid's inappropriate baby book, I thought I would put up pictures from our VERY fun weekend at Gran-T and Mikey's.
Follow me.

Here is Gran-T and the little lady, getting ready for the scavenger hunt.

Daddy and Tess checking out the chicken coop. Chickens freak me out so I don't go near them, but the kids seem to think they are pretty cool. Weirdos.
I didn't grow up with chickens, born and raised in the big city of FORT WORTH, TEXAS. But my parents have adjusted very well to "country living." It is a paradise for my kids. And for me too!

What's that you ask? Why that is a skeet shooter, silly. So my dad, the Hubby, and brother can shoot their shotguns at clay thingies while my three year old looks on saying, "MY TURN!"
Don't worry "his turn" is many, many, many years away.

Sister got tired walking during the scavenger hunt. Mikey to the rescue! He pulled up in the jeep like a knight in shining armor. Tess sat in his lap and "drove" while the boys went scavenging.

Bailey and Bram finding "treasures" in the boat. After their adventure, they played on the boat for hours. It was hilarious to watch their imaginations go crazy.

Tess found a treasure as well.

Uncle Bryan, Bram, and Bailey checking out the map. Treasure were all over the place!!

Tee shirt, super wet diaper, and tennis shoes. What a look.

The boys showing off their finds. What fun they had!!

Refueling on pancakes and bacon while Bram make Bailey watch, "It's the great pumpkin, Charlie Brown" for the 87858484 time. Thank the Lord for
That's all folks. Off the the rodeo tonight!!!
Love it! Makes me miss Gran-T and Mikey! And of course Martina the chicken.
:) have a great weekend!
lawsy bee that looks like a whole lotta fun- minus the chickens of course. ick. you had me at jeep! im pretty sure i'll be spending my next anniversary jeep riding- wearing a cute but functional outfit and lip gloss, of course!
your outfit sounds like prepneck perfection! can't wait to hear all about it. have fun while i pack a gazillion boxes. im totally jealous.
How fun! We grew up with chickens b/c my grandparents in Arkansas had them. We LOVED them. Feeding, gathering eggs, etc.
Tess looks just like Bram in the diaper/tennis shoes pic.
Way fun for everyone! This would be paradise for my boys. Look like you all had a blast!
Love the pics! The kids are just too precious. Glad y'all had fun!
Oh, and we totally know what a skeet thrower is... We are big city folks with a little bit of country in us! The Mister shoots skeet weekly. (Seriously, on Wednesdays and sometimes on Sundays.) And Avery already has a shotgun. It was one of her very first presents EVER. From her Pa. (It didn't really please me that much....) LOL! She will not be shooting it, or her three other guns, any time soon.... The Mister and his dad want Avery to become an Olympic Trap Shooter. HA!
What a weekend! I'm with you on the chickens ~ they are a little too scary for this girl.
Hope you had fun,
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