If I need anything to wear to ANY occasion, this is where I go. Great jeans, dresses, tops, jewelry, shoes, flip flops, tanks, etc.
Her mother in law owns the other side of the boutique. The kid side. Baby Nay, Baby Lulu, Robeez, Zutano, Me Too, Ralph Lauren, etc.
It is an addiction for me, as I love clothes. If I have a cute outfit on (and I always do) chances are it is a Smartie Pantz purchase. People actually make fun of me in these here parts for my love of this store.
Well, Stacey had to go to Market this Wednesday and Thursday and her mother in law is skiing. So guess who got to work at the store? That would be me. I have been begging her for over a year for some sort of job.
Oh yes, and it was a blast!
I dressed mannequins, sold people cute tops they didn't even know they needed.
And I am getting paid with STORE CREDIT! Needless to say, I have three tops and a darling pair of sandals sitting in the back ready for "pay day!"
Here are some pictures from my day. AND a few mother's day recommendations.

Just one of the fun jewelry cases. This is a bit of the Waxing Poetic line, gorgeous and very unique.
Look at the amount of clothes and accessories I stared at for two days, 12 hours to be exact. I loved every second of it.
This is the kid's side. I am obsessed with that "5" outfit. The matching skirt is chocolate brown with bright cupcakes all over.
The above is the Waxing Poetic, a beautiful line for moms and wives. If you want a unique Mother's Day gift, this is a beautiful idea.
Isn't it gorgeous? Lots of stamped jewelry, this can be pieced on a bracelet or a necklace. You can mix silver and gold. Tons of options. It is my new favorite.

This is the Lena Wald jewelry that Smartie Pantz carries. VERY hard to come by. This is my necklace. It is a pave' "B"and "T", obviously custom made. And it can be made for YOU too.
This is the Waxing Poetice necklace I created for myself. I am hoping to own this on Mother's Day. It looks great with my Lena Wald, hangs much lower. AND I can add a charm every year.
SO, if you want a fun, unique Mother's Day gift, please contact Stacey at Smartie Pantz. She will send you more information and fix you up with some bling.
And for the record, I am not getting any free loot for this post. In fact, she doesn't even know I am doing it. I just am in love with this jewelry and thought you would be interested. Surely she won't be mad about this, right?
If you want more pics, keep checking the Smartie Pantz blog (link on website) and I will have her put a wider selection on the Waxing Poetic and Lena Wald jewelry up.
they say in heaven love comes first!
They say in heaven, love comes first...we'll make heaven a place on earth, oooh heaven is a place on earth.
Coco...I was jammin out to some 80's this morning on the way to work...love me some 80's music.
What about....."Shout, Shout let it all out...."
or "This much is truuue, this much is truuue...I know this much is true..."
Good times....the 80's were...=)
I agree with the 80's remark...I rarely listen to anything else! Sirius channel "80's on 8" is my favorite!
LOVE that cuff!!!! cuteness.
Oh my gah! I would have totally spent more than I made. That stuff is ridiculously cute and I am loving your style. Glad you have had so much fun.
Can I come shopping there? It's a little out of my way, but I think that's my kind of place...
OH.MY.GOD. I would be in soooo much trouble if my best friend owned that store... And the flippin' kids' side! OMG. We have some places similar here, but if I was that close to the owner, I would feel OBLIGATED (*wink*wink*) to buy stuff. You know, I'd have to help her out and stuff...
Cute stuff!
I am LOVING both of those necklaces. I want them!!!!!! Super cute stuff!
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